Some power tools use various different power sources. These include but are not limited to, gasoline powered motors, diesel fuel powered motors, electric motors, and batteries. Power tools are usually designed for one specific task. It can be a hammer, an adjustable wrench. It could also be a drill press, a screw gun, an auger, etc. The power and purpose of each piece depends on what the operator needs it for. A screw gun, for example, could be used for drilling holes and could use a drill press for doing other tasks. Power tools come in different shapes and sizes. There are hand held power tools, or those used for smaller projects. There are also larger hand held power tools that are suitable for heavy duty jobs. Power tools can be classified based on the speed of their motion. These classifications are: Reciprocating - these power tools are powered by the force of the rotation of the shaft and the turning of the crank. It is the easiest type of power tool to operate. They are u...
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